Psychological Mitigation Evaluations
An evaluation of psychological mitigating factors involves a thorough assessment of a defendant’s background, mental health, and state of mind around the time of the alleged offense. A detailed history is gathered to provide information relevant to the defendant’s psychological development, psychiatric diagnoses, and status. Psychological mitigation evaluations and reports could be used as evidence for sentencing mitigation. A mitigation report can assist attorneys and the courts to understand psychological factors leading to an offense. Our forensic psychologists provide treatment recommendations specific to the defendant that could reduce the chance of reoffending. Multiple sources of information are used to produce a high quality and complete forensic evaluation.

Why Choose Atas Psychological Services, LLC
- Highly specialized training in forensic psychology
- Extensive experience through completion of hundreds of forensic evaluations in private and public settings
- Clear expert testimony in federal and state courts
What To Expect
- Ongoing communication with the referring party
- Thorough forensic psychological assessment always using multiple sources of information and valid and reliable psychological testing
- Comprehensive report in line with the evidence gathered
Psychological Mitigation Evaluations in Atlanta, Metro Atlanta, and Georgia
Atlas Psychological Services, LLC is based in Atlanta, Georgia. Our forensic psychologists provides forensic psychological evaluations in federal and state courts. Evaluations include state and federal mitigation evaluations in Atlanta and Metro Atlanta including such counties as Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, Clayton, Forsyth, Cherokee, and others. On a case by case basis, teleassessments or online forensic psychological evaluations are possible. He has extensive training and experience in forensic psychology and has taught and supervised in the area of forensic mental health assessment. Dr. Shah and Dr. Hill have testified as an expert witness in multiple jurisdictions.
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